› Stephan Bert: Director of Research, Boston TDK, USA
› Jean-Baptiste Bonnemaison: University of Bordeaux, France
› Jérôme Cieslak: University of Bordeaux, France
› Gerolama Condorelli: University of Naples Federico II, Italy
› Céline Blaye: Institut Bergonié, CHU Bordeaux, France
› Foucauld Chamming: Institut Bergonié, CHU Bordeaux, France
› Matjaz Gams: Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
› Pierre Grange Praderas: University of Bordeaux, France
› Nawale Hajjaji: Oscar Lambret Cancer Center, Lille, France
› Hamida Hallil: University of Bordeaux, France
› Hadi Heidari: University of Glasgow, UK
› Bérengère Lebental: Polytechnique X Gustave Eiffel, Paris, France
› Timothée Lévi: University of Bordeaux, France
› Olivier Ly: University of Bordeaux, France
› Florian Kolbl: Bordeaux INP, France
› Emile Martincic: Université Paris-Saclay, France
› Laurent Mazenq: LAAS-CNRS, France
› Elisabeth Garanger: LCPO Bordeaux, France
› Philippe Pernod: Centrale Lille Institut, Lille, France
› Radislav A. Potyrailo: General Electric / DL IEEE Sensors Council, USA
› Florence Poulletier de Gannes: CNRS, France
› Abdelkrim Talbi: Centrale Lille Institut, Lille, France
› Marco Trerotola: University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
› Raffaele Velotta: University of Naples Federico II, Italy